Saturday, September 14, 2019

ZTE BTS Alarms

ZTE BTS Alarms

Guys if you are working in telecom you need to know various alarms related to ZTE BTS. I have worked in zte bts for two years in O&M field. To view zte bts alarms you have to login to the bts first. 

How to login ZTE BTS

To login zte bts you should have zte sdr software. You have to open EOMS module of this software. This software works on java platform. Your laptop must have latest version of java installed for this purpose. 

Connect your lan cable to debug port of CC Card of the zte bts. Now enter following ip into your network setting.
Ip Address
Subnet mask

Now open zte bts software EOMS module. For first time users you need to add station ip address that is again After this input username, you may enter anything in this field. Select online configuration tab and click on Connect button. 

In the default view you will have zte bts diagram. In this view you will see red or yellow colour on the card that have alarm. When you click on the card you will see corresponding alarm. You can also view all the alarms at a single screen. 

Basic troubleshooting zte bts alarms are as follows:
1. Sctp link alarm
This alarm is reported when there is problem or error in the media. Media might be both minilink or optical media.
2. physical ethernet link is broken
This alarm means break in the media cable between ETH0 PORT of CC Card of zte bts and ethernet port of the media.
3. RRU Link is broken
this alarm reports when the fiber patch cord between RSU Unit and FS Card is damaged.
4. Optical module Unavailable
If this alarm occurs with RRU Link broken, then you need to change the SFP into the FS Card.

If you need explanation of other zte bts alarms, name your alarm in the comment section. 

Hope you guys got what you need.
Thanks for reading!