Friday, November 8, 2019

ZTE BTS Configuration

Hello guys, In this post I'm gonna tell you how you can configure ZTE BTS for the first time or for when there is software issue. This post belongs to the telecom engineers.


First you need following items to configure your ZTE BTS.

1. LMT software installed in your laptop
2. Lan cable to access ZTE BTS
3. MO file for the site you are configuring

You need to contact ZTE support team if you dont have LMT software as it is must for the operation and maintenance. You must have version upgrade files stored at your computer/laptop.

Steps for configuration of ZTE BTS

1. Open LMT Software. Enter IP of station as

2. Select Image and Burn option.

3. Now select version upgrade files and mo file. You can select both the files at one step.

4. Click proceed.

5. There are 5 steps in this process. First it will clean the flash drive installed in CC Card then it will upload version files to the BTS.

6. The fourth process will take time it may vary from site to site. So be patient.

7. At last it will pop up Burn complete. 

Your software upload in the BTS is now complete. Connect your media. Check furthur alarms.

Thats all in the configuration part of the ZTE BTS.

Thanks for reading the whole process. Hope you understood it well.