Saturday, August 30, 2014

DMRC JE electronics question paper

 DMRC JE electronics question paper

I have shared only 20 questions if you need complete DMRC  JE electronics question paper feel free to  contact us.

 1.  The method of working in which current flows for 85% of duration of DOT or DASH and no current flows during  the rest 15% is:
(1)  Morse code                 (2)  Normal Code
(3)  7.5 unit Code               (4)  Cable Code

2.  The modulation  index can be greater than unity in:
(1) AM                                  (2)  FM
(3)  Both AM and FM      (4)  Neither AM nor FM
3.  A Yagi antenna produces a pattern of the following type:
(1)  Figure of Eight            (2)  Broadside
(3) End-fire                           (4)  Omnidirectional
4.  The measurement range o fan ammeter can be increased by using a:
(1)  High resistance in shunt   (2)  Low resistance in shunt
(3)  High resistance in series   (4)  Low resistance in series
5.  A transformer at no load behaves like:
(1)  A resistor  (2)  A capacitor
(3)  An inductor  (4)  An open circuit
6.  The power in the FM signal is:
(1) Always constant
(2)  Varies linearly with amplitude of the modulating signal
(3)  Varies as square of the amplitude of the modulating signal
(4)  None of these
7.  Harmonic distortion in an amplifier is caused due to:
(1)  Feedback  from o/p to input
(2)  Presence of white noise
(3)  Active device non-linearity
(4) Shot noise
8.  Redundancy in communication system
(1)  Reduces efficiency of communication
(2)  Helps to detect error
(3)  Helps to correct error
(4)  All of these
9.  A full-wave bridge rectifier uses ...............:
(1)  One diode                    (2)  Two diodes
(3)  Three diodes               (4)  Four diodes
10.  When a unijunction transistor (UJT) is turned on, it conducts Current between ...............:
(1)  Emitter and base terminal
(2)  Two base terminals
(3)  Collector and base terminals
(4)  Collector and emitter terminals
11.  The current gain alpha(α) of a transistor ...............:
(1)  Is always more than 50
(2)  Is always more than 1
(3)  Is always less than 1
(4)  None of these
12.  Which impurity atom will give P-type semiconductor when added to silicon intrinsic semiconductor?
(1) Phosphorus
(2) Antimony
(3) Boron
(4) Arsenic
13.  Which of the following metals has the highest conductivity:
(1) Aluminum                    (2) Silver
(3) Platinum                        (4) Iron
14.  Which of the following is basically a voltage controlled capacitance?
(1)  Zener diode                (2)  Photo diode
(3) Varactor diode             (4)  LED
15.  In a JFET the width of channel is controlled by:
(1)  Gate current               (2)  Drain current
(3)  Source current           (4)  Gate voltage
16.  When a BJT is operated under saturated condition:
(1)  EB junction  is  forward biased and CB junction is reversed  biased
(2)  EB junction  is  reversed biased and CB junction is forward biased
(3)  Both junction are forward biased
(4)  Both junction are reversed biased
17.  The emitter follower is widely used in electronic instruments because:
(1)  Its input impedance is high and output impedance is low
(2)  Its input impedance is low and output impedance is high
(3)  Its voltage gain is very high
(4)  Both input and output impedances are very high
18.  A TRIAC  is equivalent to:
(1)  One thyristor and one transistor
(2)  One thyristor and one diode
(3)  Two thyristor in parallel
(4)  Two thyristor in series
19.  The binary number 10101 is equal to the decimal number:
(1) 17                                     (2)  45
(3) 21                                    (4)  11
20.  The decimal number 37 isequal to the binary number:
(1) 100101                            (2)  101000
(3) 010110                             (4)  101101 

Kindly let me know if you need other exam JE Question paper.

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